imkanlikom telecharjiw daba Hez2 Online wtl3boha m3a s7abkom:
-Carta Hez 2 is a Moroccan application, a popular card game in Morocco contains 40 cards like ronda and makla.
-To play you must choose a card that has the same card number in the center or a card that has the same type, and if you have no card to play you must draw a card in the cards on the right.
-the first player who plays all his cards wins the match ..
There are 3 special cards:
2: kebour must take 2 cards from "dara", and if kbour also has card 2, you have to take 4 etc.
1: kebbour must play one more round, if kabbour also has card 1, he stops your turn RocketLeague and play one more etc.
7: you change the type of playing cards