In the design of the game we took into consideration the ancient Moroccan civilization represented in the historical monuments of the most important Moroccan cities and the magnificent Moroccan mosaic in an attempt to connect the past with the present and the history with the reality that occupies the Moroccan people in their daily lives and all of them. That in a comic block increases the suspense of the game.
The game of Botagas Benkirane Jeu Benkirane of Moroccan toys and new games, which produce a variety of thrill and entertainment where occasionally encountered some famous phrases in Morocco as you understand me and not Fhamtini wla la or my eminence and not no Sem3tini wla la or McAnsch mamaynch m3aynch m3amen
The theme of the game is one of the topics that preoccupy the public not only in the virtual world, such as thRocket League Playe Saki 3tini or the Naki hek lili nifi, but also in the reality of the old style of living, and it was the cause of his love for the characters Kabur kabour or Shuaibi Ch3ibiya or Eco Eko and other The characters that are equally controversial about Benkirane Benkirane this can also be an option for children looking for toys.
Very important: It is very important to point out that the game of Potagas Bniran game intended for entertainment and entertainment only and does not contain any political ideas embodying
We wish you a pleasant time with the game of Potagas Bniran full of surprises.