Pro-Rata & Holiday calculator (2019 UK)
The calculator shows what your salary could be when the hours worked are ammended. This can be used to show what an hourly rates full time equivalent salary is. Or what a full time salary could be when hours are reduced / increased
Full time
If you have a standard fixed salary, put this in the "Salary" box. Then input your standard hours of work into the "hours of work" box. (Please note, do not include unpaid breaks into the box. The details of your standard working hours should be detailed in your employment contract).
Part time / hourly rates
Click the button labelled "Salary" to change the box, if you know you are paid a standard hourly rate.
Amended Hours
Input your standard details in the "salary" or "Hourly rate" boxes, then the hours you currently work into the "hours per week" box. Next input your proposed new hours into the "adjusted hours box".
Holliday entitlement in this app are accurate for UK GOV guidelines as of August 2019. If you are using this app in a country other than the UK, these rates may differ significantly.
The rates and figures shown in this app are not intended to be used as accurate or oFortune Rabbit fficial representations of your individual earnings. Because of this it is important that any discrepancies found between the app and your personal circumstances are first consulted with a pay and reward specialist, a member of your HR/ accounts department, or an employment solicitor. The application developer does not accept responsibility for any inaccurate figures being represented, and should not be used as proof in any way.