Dangerous world Dynamic zombie -shooting, made according to all the canons of the genre, where you have to go to various locations and try to crush terrifying opponents. Here you will find yourself in a dangerous world where the entire population of mankind is threatened by a terrifying paranormal forest, in which the dead retu to life, and machines rise up against people. A series of mysterious mutations engulfs literally everyone who gets into this forest, so you have to join a secret organBlack Jack 21ization and fight evil.
Tactical firefights Only your competent tactical maneuvers and accurate shots will determine the fate of all mankind and the ability to prevent imminent apocalypse. Here you have to control two heroes who work together, helping each other and covering during battles. Each hero has special characteristics that can be improved as you progress through the game, as well as provide buffs for each mission and increase strength. It is important to deliberately stir the heroes on the playing field in order to most effectively destroy hordes of enemies, and for victories as you progress through the game, you can unlock even more top-end weapons.