Free download Guess the Song APK for : 2024-05-13

Description of Guess the Song Guess the Song are the game that let you read the lyric and guess the song with 18 letters and watching online Music Video.the Song are the new and last update on the 2014-2015 music chart. Let's guess the song the Hint to show the artist or song name and use Helper to show the letters, the picture of artist, and show all the song name.Let's play and update the new song with "Guess the Song" on your mobile!!Version 1.1- Update new Youtube playerVersion 1.0- Guess the new Song on your mobile- Lyric preview and scroll up/down to read- Show the Artist to guess the song- Watching online Music Video on Guess the song with 18 letters- you can move App to SD Card- Hint to guess the song- Helper to guess the song- Share the lyric to ask you friends- Online Daily Score- Online Weekly Score- Online MonthlyRummy - Share app to your friends- collect the Coin to use Hint and Helper- Sound on/off- Coffee Break Screen to show the information of artist- Small size of Application and easy to download- Screen layout for Tablet support

Version history Guess the Song New in Guess the Song 1.4 Version 1.4- Reduce application file size- Adjust layoutVersion 1.3- Apply Admob policyVersion 1.2- Apply YouTube API Terms of ServiceVersion 1.0- Guess the new Song on your mobile- Lyric preview and scroll up/down to read- Show the Artist to guess the song- Guess the song with 18 letters- you can move App to SD Card- Hint to guess the song- Helper to guess the song- Share the lyric- Online Daily,Weekly,Monthly Score- Share app to your friends- Sound on/off- Tablet support Please rate this app

Dragon VS Tiger
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