Game overviewReclaim your godly">

Super Cat Idle – Download game for Android/ : 2024-05-15

Crash 55 20.5574L12.1571 24.2983" stroke="#0E0C10" stroke-width="3.75" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">Game overviewReclaim your godly status as the outcast cat in a journey filled with weapons, skills, costume changes, and exciting in-game content.

Game description generated withAI

In the ancient Chinese zodiac, jealousy deprived a certain cat of its godhood. However, now it has the chance to redeem itself and regain its divine status in an exciting action-packed RPG. Traverse the journey with the cat, leading it to its rightful place among the celestial beings.With the weapon-switching system, the player can switch between three different types of weapons. Easily obtainable skills with remarkable effects further enhance the gameplay. Additionally, the skill enhancement system offers even more upgrades by combining Runes.Create your character with a wide range of costumes and weapons. Each outfit and weapon change matches the character's appearance. Moreover, there are numerous in-game activities like Promotion Battle, Cat Tower, Giant Boss Battle, and Lucky Pig, all of which offer exciting content for players to earn in-game currencies.Visit the game's homepage or follow them on Facebook and YouTube for a closer look into the 7upDown gameplay and upcoming updates.Homepage: more

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