ChurchToolsApplication Description The ChurchTools Android Application developed by ChurchTools Innovations GmbH is listed under the Productivity category. The Current Version Is 0.56.1, Updated On 5/31/2024. According to Google Play, ChurchTools has achieved more than 82 thousand installs. Currently, ChurchTools has 175 reviews with an average vote value of 3.9 ChurchTools is the application for the entire ecclesiastical community. You can use it to receive the latest community information, keep track of appointments, accept, cancel or exchange your services, and much more. To use the app, access to ChurchTools is required.CONTRIBUTIONSContributions allow your church community to exchange ideas about community issues anytime, anywhere. This will help you get to know each other better and make it easier for people in your community to get informed and involved. It also opens up another avenue to reach those who are not yet part of your community.EVENTSService requests are sent to your cell phone. You can accept, reject and also comment on them. For example, if you lead a church service or event or simply work together, you can clearly read the schedule in the app. You can also use the calendar to create events and define which services are necessary.CALENDARIn the calendar, you can quickly see all upcoming appointments. You can create new appointments or edit existing appointments. You can also make meeting requests to others in your church community or create a registration group. Additionally, events or resources (e.g. rooms or objects) can also be linked to an appointment.PEOPLEYou can use Discover search to find people in your church community and chat directly with them. Other information, such as relationships or tags, is also displayed.In your own profile you can upload a photo of yourself and (if your ChurchTools administrator has enabled it) maintain your own personal data.GROUPSFind public groups that interest you in your church community and register directly.All other groups visible to you are listed, and with proper authorization, you can also view the group's participants.As a group leader, you can also hold group meetings and check in. CHAT You can use the app to chat with individual people, with all employees at an event or, for example, with your small group. News channels can be created where only people with a specific role can write; everyone else has read-only permission.Photos and documents can also be sent via chat.FOR CHURCH TOOLSHurchTools is the ideal software for churches to connect employees in one place. We are constantly working to bring new updates and features to improve our app for you and your community. We are currently offering version 0.56.1. This Is Our Latest And Most Optimized Version. It is suitable for many different devices. Free Download Apk Directly From Google Play Store Or Other Versions We Are Hosting. In addition, you can download without registration and no login required. We have more than 200 devices available for Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei, Oppo, Vivo, Motorola, LG, Google, OnePlus, Sony, Tablet... With so many options, it's easy to choose games or software that fit your device . May Be Useful If There Are Country Restrictions Or Restrictions On Your Device Side On The Google App Store. Read more O Que Há De Novo - In groups with active registration and an active waiting list, the places occupied on the waiting list are now displayed for leaders.- A post shows when it was last edited.- A link preview is now displayed for links in posts.- Links to wiki pages should open correctly again.- The selection of calendars is correctly taken into account again.- When an absence is entered, the calculation of services in the period works correctly again.And much more!
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