Fashion, beauty, domestic brand
Say hello to Scalapay!
Discover all retailers and brands offering Scalapay
- Search for stores and products using our store directory. Find everything you love, whether it's fashion, beauty, technology, homeware or sports. We're constantly adding new stores to help you find the best deals!
Use Scalapay at your favorite stores
- Find multiple brand outlets that are close to you offering Scalapay. Use our interactive map to locate stores and make contactless payments in store!
Manage your account within the app
- Vrummy east 51 bonusyou have the possibility to have a complete overview and manage your orders and payments through the app!
- You can add and update payment details, make payments without having to re-enter all payment information each time. Fast and safe!
Easily track refunds
- You will never have to worry about forgetting to pay or losing track of an overdue installment. Turn on notifications and we'll help make sure you don't miss your next payment!
Data security and privacy
- Scalapay protects your payment information with advanced security, we comply with the highest security standards and protocols
Contact our 24/7 customer service
- Have you experienced anything while using the app, good or bad? Contact us at We are always happy to help!
Enjoy the Scalapay experience and find exactly what you are looking for!
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